Cutremur de proportii in economia SecondLife !!!

Ma trezesc, fac cafeaua si ma duc sa-mi citesc emailul. Hop, e-mail de la Linden Labs … ia sa vedem. Am citi de vreo doua ori ca nu imi venea sa cred :

Hello, Ciprian Newall.

We have identified that you reside in a European country. Accordingly, your next bill will reflect Value Added Tax (VAT) charged at the rate specified by your country. Please note that VAT applies to all payments to Linden Lab such as land sales, monthly maintenance fees and Premium subscription fees.
If you are eligible for a VAT exemption, you may submit proof of your exemption status, such as your VAT number, here:

If you have other questions, please read the VAT FAQ:

You can also contact us via the support portal:

Best regards, and thank you for your continuing support.

Linden Lab
Creators of Second Life

In concluzie, toti cetatenii europeni vor plati TVA pt. insulele cumparate si pentru taxele acestora de intretinere (care oricum nu erau mici) . Deci e super tare . Problema mai mare nu e ca platim TVA, ci ca numai cei din UE vor plati, ceea ce le va oferi americanilor spre exemplu un avantaj imens. Aceasta masura, neanuntata pe blog-ul oficial SecondLife, va crea un cutremur fara precedent in economia acestei lumi virtuale.
Inegalitatea costurilor este chiar si intre membrii UE, dupa cum putem vedea chiar aici.

Nu stiu exact ce va urma dar e clar ca profiturile vor scadea si cei mici vor cade … selectia va fi dura

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