E-gold se muta in Africa !

Cei ce au incercat sa intre in contul lor Omnipay in ultimile zile, au primit urmatorul mesaj:

OmniPay temporarily suspends exchange to transition to OmniPay Africa

Effective immediately, G&SR will be leasing the OmniPay business to OmniPay Africa. All OmniPay exchanges will now involve e-gold transfers and money payments into/out of OmniPay Africa’s e-gold and bank accounts respectively. G&SR has contracted to serve as the Operator of OmniPay but will not be a party to actual exchanges.

In terms of immediate impacts:

  • The OmniPay exchange service will suspend operation pending provisioning of a suitable bank account for OmniPay Africa. It is anticipated this service interruption will start May 24, 2007 with service resuming on or about June 18, 2007.
  • With resumption, all bank wires from customers must be directed to the new bank coordinates which will be posted on the omnipay.com website.

The original plan was for OmniPay Africa to organize as a licensee of G&SR, the US company that owns OmniPay. A substantial development effort was underway to support the additional requirements for over-the-counter exchange operations such as biometric validation. However, recent actions of the US government, originating from a long-standing and misguided animus on the part of the US Secret Service, necessitate immediate action. Specifically, SEB Bank in Estonia has notified G&SR it is closing its bank account at close of business May 25, 2007 explicitly because of the Press Release from the US DOJ.

We regret the temporary interruption of OmniPay services. Just as the US government’s recent actions in seizing e-gold accounts of e-gold Ltd., G&SR, The Bullion Exchange, AnyGoldNow, IceGold, GitGold, The Denver Gold Exchange, GoldPouch Express and 1MDC (and forcing G&SR to liquidate the seized assets!) have severely damaged not only these exchange businesses but also their innumerable customers, their forcing this complex transition to be performed on an emergency basis is simply shameful.

We do not however regret the transfer of OmniPay responsibilities to OmniPay Africa. As will become abundantly clear in coming months, the OmniPay Africa team is highly qualified to guide OmniPay to a higher level, a genuinely global service that will foster a beneficial surge in e-gold’s emergence while bringing significant advantages to emerging economies.

Si acum sa analizam … E bine ca au facut aceasta mutare ? Cred ca da, altceva nu ar fi fost de facut in conditiile in care sunt atacati atat de puternic de guvernul american. Miscarea asta arata cam cate boase are Jackson. Iti trebuie ceva tupeu sa te ridici impotriva cuiva care stii ca te va baga in parnaie daca nu faci pe sclavul cu el. Si el tocmai asta face, pentru binele atator utilizatori de e-gold, fie ei cinstiti sau nu. De remarcat faptul ca banca din Estonia si-a dat seama imediat in ce rahat se poate afla si a inchis pravalia imediat.

Practic, daca si e-gold se va muta in Africa, ceea ce acum e aproape clar, vor ramane in fata doar exchangerii. Si sincer, imi este cam frica. A fi vinovat sau nu de ceva in ziua de azi e atat de relativ … Acum … la cat schimb eu sunt mititel dar stau si ma gandesc ca guvernul american nu va putea face nimic altceva pt. a opri e-goldul decat sa-i distruga exchangerii.

Deloc de neluat in considerare este tara aleasa. E clar ca va fi o tara africana. Trecand peste climatul din Africa, ma gandesc ca prin aceasta mutare, e-gold isi va lipi si mai bine pe frunte eticheta de “spalatori de bani murdari”. E chiar blestemat sa ramana in aceasta zona neagra, desi, dupa parerea mea, nu o merita. Sunt atatea calitati ale egoldului incat sincer imi pare rau ca va fi vazut pt. totdeauna ca o moneda pt teroristi, scammeri si alte minuni.

Una peste alta, dr. Jackson si-a cam bagat pielea la saramura pt. ca E-goldul sa nu cada. Parerea mea e ca va plati destul de repede aceasta miscare, si va fi condamnat. Motive … se gasesc, se fabrica, se inventeaza …

Pe moment insa … lucrurile par sa se linisteasca pt utilizatorii e-gold !


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